Leadership and management are both supposed to have a charismatic people with that positions that should have self-confidence and influence power. They are both a kind of force that has to motivate the regular workers. But there are strong differences between them.
Management is a official form of taking care of the teams of people co-ordinated by an individual chosen by the higher means , that is a manager. Manager has to control his team's work , plan everything what has to be done and do everything he can to achieve the goals he is expected.
To do that he has to take a good care of his people and motivate his team.
His work is seen on paper , he is known to be a manager , it is his work he doesn't have a high level of emotional involvement in his job. He is directed to results.
Leadership can be an official or unofficial force that inspires and motivates people by showing them a role models from an individual that is the leader. That doesn't have to be high in the company's hierarchy , as people can call him the leader because of his decisiveness , self-confidence , knowledge and ideas that motivate and inspire them. Leader aligns people with a vision of change.
Blake and Mouton developed a way to describe and evaluate the different styles of management. First published in 1964 , it was called 'Managerial Grid' , which provides a basis for comparison of managerial styles in terms of two production and people.
Concern for production shows the amount of pressure placed by the manager on accomplishing the tasks with achieving the highest possible production level and gaining profits. This is represented along the horizontal grid line.
Concern for people is the amount of pressure placed by the manager on his inferiors and other individual managers. It is shown on the vertical grid line.
The grid on the left , shows that the Organisation Man Management has the equal amount of both of the concerns as it is situated in the middle. Impoversihed Management has lower amount of concern for production than concern for people as it is situated in the bottom left. It is easy to see a comparison of managerial styles in terms of these two principal dimensions as it provides five basic combinations of degree of concern for production coupled with degree of concern for people.
In January of 2010 I took a part-time job. I was a member of the renovation team hired to paint a new metal construction in one company's stockroom. I was responsible for painting the highest parts and two other members were doing both preparation and painting lower parts of that construction. Our manager had to take care of the team of us three and two other teams that were working on mechanical issues for the same company. If comparing to the 'Managerial Grid' by Blake and Mouton , I identified his work style to be the tam manager with nine point nine rating and high concern for both production and people as he was always there if any team needed to know anything or had any kind of issues to talk about with him. He wanted us to complete our tasks as fast as possible with the best possible quality. However , he had always checked if we are not going to fast , and reminded us about the quality. He was always working with plan and always knew what to do if any problems occured.
Bill Gates , the famous creator of the Microsoft , had given his tips for a good manager based on his lifelong experience. In this tips , Gates explained that a good manager has to clearly brief tasks to his people and explain how they should measure their achievements. He claimed that people will take seriously the project deadlines if they took part in setting them as unachievable goals udermine the organisation. Bill Gates explained in his tips how important it is for the manager to work regularly with his people so that they will do the work better than the manager can at some point and achieve expected goals. Similarly to the manager I worked for , the working style that is the most suitable for Bill Gates is the team manager , as he suggested that the right work with the team of people may help in gaining profits , which shows that he has got a high concern for production and for people as well.
In conclusion , there are significant differences between the leadership and management. Blake and Mouton explained five basic combinations of the working style of a manager or leader and created the 'Managerial/Leadership Grid' in 1964 showing different types of concern for people and for production. A . Bill Gates had given tips for a good manager based on his experience and explained that a good manager or leader should know how to work with his team to make as many profits as possible.
- Gates , B. (2010) Tips for a Good Manager [Online]. Avialable from - youthindia.wordpress.com [Accessed: 10th December 2010]
Management is a official form of taking care of the teams of people co-ordinated by an individual chosen by the higher means , that is a manager. Manager has to control his team's work , plan everything what has to be done and do everything he can to achieve the goals he is expected.
To do that he has to take a good care of his people and motivate his team.
His work is seen on paper , he is known to be a manager , it is his work he doesn't have a high level of emotional involvement in his job. He is directed to results.
Leadership can be an official or unofficial force that inspires and motivates people by showing them a role models from an individual that is the leader. That doesn't have to be high in the company's hierarchy , as people can call him the leader because of his decisiveness , self-confidence , knowledge and ideas that motivate and inspire them. Leader aligns people with a vision of change.
Blake and Mouton developed a way to describe and evaluate the different styles of management. First published in 1964 , it was called 'Managerial Grid' , which provides a basis for comparison of managerial styles in terms of two production and people.
Concern for production shows the amount of pressure placed by the manager on accomplishing the tasks with achieving the highest possible production level and gaining profits. This is represented along the horizontal grid line.
Concern for people is the amount of pressure placed by the manager on his inferiors and other individual managers. It is shown on the vertical grid line.
The grid on the left , shows that the Organisation Man Management has the equal amount of both of the concerns as it is situated in the middle. Impoversihed Management has lower amount of concern for production than concern for people as it is situated in the bottom left. It is easy to see a comparison of managerial styles in terms of these two principal dimensions as it provides five basic combinations of degree of concern for production coupled with degree of concern for people.
In January of 2010 I took a part-time job. I was a member of the renovation team hired to paint a new metal construction in one company's stockroom. I was responsible for painting the highest parts and two other members were doing both preparation and painting lower parts of that construction. Our manager had to take care of the team of us three and two other teams that were working on mechanical issues for the same company. If comparing to the 'Managerial Grid' by Blake and Mouton , I identified his work style to be the tam manager with nine point nine rating and high concern for both production and people as he was always there if any team needed to know anything or had any kind of issues to talk about with him. He wanted us to complete our tasks as fast as possible with the best possible quality. However , he had always checked if we are not going to fast , and reminded us about the quality. He was always working with plan and always knew what to do if any problems occured.
Bill Gates , the famous creator of the Microsoft , had given his tips for a good manager based on his lifelong experience. In this tips , Gates explained that a good manager has to clearly brief tasks to his people and explain how they should measure their achievements. He claimed that people will take seriously the project deadlines if they took part in setting them as unachievable goals udermine the organisation. Bill Gates explained in his tips how important it is for the manager to work regularly with his people so that they will do the work better than the manager can at some point and achieve expected goals. Similarly to the manager I worked for , the working style that is the most suitable for Bill Gates is the team manager , as he suggested that the right work with the team of people may help in gaining profits , which shows that he has got a high concern for production and for people as well.
In conclusion , there are significant differences between the leadership and management. Blake and Mouton explained five basic combinations of the working style of a manager or leader and created the 'Managerial/Leadership Grid' in 1964 showing different types of concern for people and for production. A . Bill Gates had given tips for a good manager based on his experience and explained that a good manager or leader should know how to work with his team to make as many profits as possible.
- Gates , B. (2010) Tips for a Good Manager [Online]. Avialable from - youthindia.wordpress.com [Accessed: 10th December 2010]
- Mullins , Laurie J. (2010) Management & Organisational Behaviour. Ninth edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.