niedziela, 27 marca 2011

Teamworking - week 13

   When working on the charity assignment for the Role of Marketing in Business , I have cooperated in a team with four more members. The aim of the team was to raise money for the Oxford Transplant Foundation. After brainstorming , we decided to organise a themed party in the Wycombe's Yates's.

   ''A team role is described as a pattern of behaviour , characteristic of the way in which one team member interacts with another whose performance serves to faciliate the progress of the team as a whole''. Mullins , L.J. (2010)

   Mullins , L.J. (2010) explains the way how one team member works with another , how they do it , and how they differ , which makes them have different roles that are approaches to the task.

   Meredith Belbin divided the team roles into nine different approaches , and explained every single one , giving the details about it's contribution to the team , and it's allowable weaknesses.

   The team I have been a member of , contained two female , and three male members , giving the sum of five members. However , some of the members had more than one team role.
   There have been a resource investigator and co-ordinator in one person responsible for clarifying goals , promoting decision-making , exploration of the opportunities and for the development of contracts. However , often being manipulative when talking about the ideas.
   There was a member seen as a plant from Belbin's theory , that solved difficult problems with his creative and imaginative working system , however , ingoring some details.
   I have been seen as a shaper , monitor-evaluator and completer in the team as I had the drive to overcome obstacles , seen most of the options and searched for our mistakes. However , I caught myself on provoking others and worrying unduly.
   Teamworker in our team was very co-operative , perceptive and listened very carefully to everything. However , Belbin's theory considers the teamworker as indecisive in crunch situations , the teamworker from our team has been very decisive all the time.
   Implementer's and specialist's team role has been carried by one person responsible for turning ideas to action and providing the knowledge and support. He was disciplined and reliable , very efficient and dedicated but slow to respond to new possibilities.

   The plan has been developed by the team's co-ordinator , containing every single action to undertake by certain team members. Thus , the objectives were sorted and responsibilities shared. Every single member knew what to do. There was a good communication in the team as the members used to e-mail each other every two days , or text each other's mobile phones to set up the meetings or solve any problems if occured.

   Thus , the group had a good contact with the Yates's manager , who was happy to help in raising money for the charity by giving us all the profit from cloakroom and entry charges. He also allowed the team to sell their own shots and party accessories. With the right management of finance within the group , we spent 43.46 pounds and raised 230 pounds , raising the profit of 186.54 pounds for the charity.

   Having all of the Belbin's nine team roles present in our team , we succeeded to reach every single goal from the plan as there was a proper cooperation , communication and effort within the team.

   The first assignment for People and Oranisations was to make a presentation about motivation , and after a consultation with the tutor , produce a report on motivation. It was a group based assignment. I have been working in a group of three members.

   Tuckmann's theory on group development contains an explanation of  building , developing , and analyzing the behaviour of the members in the team. Tuckmann explained the process of developing the team by the right use of five key stages of forming , storming , norming , performing and adjourning. The group I have been working in , progressed through all of the stages.

   At the stage of forming , we were testing each other by conversation and questions to find out about the interpersonal and task behavioural skills of each member.  Such testing enabled us to see that we communicate easily with each other , and we contrast different points of view without agruements. The atmosphere at that stage suggested that there might be no need for a leader as the cooperation level was likely to be high.

   Storming was the stage , when there was a variety of members's ideas competing. However, Tuckmann's theory explains that this competition is very often fierce , in our case it was not. The objective was clear for all of us as we knew that we have to show our tutor the presentation on what we want to do , and after that , produce the report. We agreed on some of the ideas , and then we knew each other more as when deciding about that ideas , each member shown his personality to confront each other's perspectives. At this stage , the need of a leader was higher , so from that moment , I used to coordinate the work with the tolerance of each member and their ideas.

   When the team progressed to the stage of norming , the rules , and the working system has been developed. There was a noticeable working progress as the team was working with a good cooperation and effectiveness among it's members and no major conflicts or arguments. With that effectiveness , the team developed it's identity as there was a habit of the right use of methods , such as asking other members for help or opinion. Methods helped in adjusting members' personalities to each other , as when consulting our work , we had to agree or disagree on issues.When the working system was developed , the motivation increased and the objectives seemed to be much easier in achieving.

   At the stage of performing, the team roles and the interpersonal structure of the team became a tool of our task activities. With the bigger increase of motivation in the team , we were working as a unit because we clearly understood what we had to do and what we have done. We were now able to handle the stress and the decision-making process easier.

   Adjourning was the stage , when we completed all of our tasks , and got the job done. After submitting the report the team was disassembled. Our work have been marked with a positive grade , so we succeeded in every goal we wanted to succeed. However , the team did not meet every issue from Tuckmann's theory on this stage as there were no sense of loss felt by the group members and no introduction of new tasks as the assignment was completed.

   Going through all of the stages from Tuckmann's theory and meeting most of the issues detailed in that theory enabled us to see how the development of the team was working in our team. It also enabled us to see what issues happen at which stage , and how team members interact with each other , which was helpful in working on our project.

   The teamwork has been identified as a major contributory factor to the success for the companies such as P3 , charity organisation , or Lindum Group , working in construction and development industry.

   P3 is a charity organisation , helping young people in such issues as finding home , education or job. The online article from The Times archieves shows how the staff of P3 and their effort has been considered as a major factor to the success of P3. As an example , The Times used the story of P3's employee , to show how does P3 differ from other that kind of organisations. He claimed to be disenchanted with the support of the public services for the young people. When he went to one of P3 centres , he made a contact with P3 and two years later , after P3 helped him in improving his living circumstances it also offered him a job , to enable him to help others.

   P3 employs 262 people. They all claim that P3 is the best company to work for. P3's staff is confident about the leadership of their managers , full of pride , and cooperate among each other well. The staff has faith in what they are doing , and they believe that the organisation makes a positive difference to the world. They are well motivated as they feel that that they can make a valuable contribution to the success of their organisation. P3 achieves top results in six of the eight factors in which employees give their views. It shows that the teamworking in the P3 is a major factor of it's success.

   Contstruction Group Lindum considers building up a strong relation with it's staff as a important issue. Lindum's employees claim to be proud to work for the company and also that most days they don't feel exhausted when coming back from work. Over half of the company's employees are with Lindum for ten years or more.

   The communication system in the company enables the members of senior management to be on first-name terms with staff. The high level of motivation within the company is likely to to exist as a result of the way how Lindum's staff considers it's managers as they feel inspired by their chairman and think that he runs the company on sound moral principles. What is more , the employees think that the senior managers are a good listeners and inspire confidence in the workforce.

   Staff has a choice of flexible working options and ability to benefit from the occupational health programme , gym membership or holidays through the firm package.

  All of the issues mentioned above explain that the teamworking of the Construction Group Lindum's staff is a major factor on the company's success as the cooperation between the managers and the ordinary workers results in a high level of motivation , faith and understanding in the company.


- Lindum Group. (2010) Best 100 Companies. [Online] March 2010. Available from: [Accessed: 25th March 2011]

- Mullins , Laurie J. (2010) Management & Organisational Behaviour. Ninth edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited , pp.342-343.

- P3 Charity. (2010) Best 100 Companies. [Online] March 2010. Available from: [Accessed: 25th March 2011]

- Stages of Team Development (Tuckman). [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th March 2011]

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