wtorek, 5 kwietnia 2011

Communication and Involvement - week 26

   ''The main purpose of EIP is to make workers feel like active participants in what happens in the workplace.''  Foot , M. and Hook , C. (2008)

   Foot , M. and Hook , C. (2008) explains , that there is a range of methods to achieve this. They are divided into representative and direct methods. Representative methods , often reffer to employee participation , whereas direct methods often reffer to employee involvement.
   Employee involvement , which policies are often carried out through the direct methods , includes communications targeted straight at employees , and a variety of other techniques involving individuals or groups of employees. The practices of employee involvement try to get employees to understand how important the goals are for the organisation they work for. What is more , employees are clearly presented the plan set by the management , which attempts to make employees committed to their work.
   On the other hand , employee participation , focuses on groups within the organisation and their different points of view. It allows employees to take part in the decision-making process at higher levels. The policies of employee participation are often carried out through the represantative methods.
   What makes the difference between employee participation and employee involvement is that employee participation doesn't allow employees to be involved into decision-making process and communications directly and individually , but through the representatives , that have been elected to put the workers' view forward. As explained before , employee involvement is not cascaded by represantatives , it's focused on more individual approach on explaining the importance of organisation's goals and agenda to the employees.

   Nando's is a chain of restaurants serving peri peri chicken dishes. It's ranked as the best company to work for in UK by The Times. The human resources director of Nando's , Julia Claydon explained , that about 75% of her budget is invested in learning and development. That works out at about 45 hours of training annually per employee, at an average cost of £425. The times shows an example of how Nando's involves it's employees in decision-making process. The magazine described the example of and ordinary employee , whose first job in UK was a job in Nando's , and his way from being a regular cleaner to working in firm's central support team thans to the firm's internal and external courses. What is more , Nando's support for that person was even further as the company had given him a paid time off and help with tuituon fees to complete a full-time business degree at university. Thus . Nando's involved one of the regular employees into it's decision-making process. He explains , that "decisions are not always made from the top, they will listen to everyone in the company and to have someone who will listen to what you have to say even when you are the cleaner, shows how it can motivate a person within a company.''

   Michael Watson , the account manager of Softcat , IT solutions company , explains the atmosphere inside the company. He claims , that it's all about the team , and that there is a massive sense of pulling together. Services partner specialist , David Francis says , that ''everyone wants to do well for the company.''
   Peter Kelly , the founder of the company , got his workforce organisation idea , when running the 17th mile of a marathon. He lets his employees to choose the team that they want to join , and claims that it works positively. Ever since , staff have had a vote on company-wide decisions. There was an anxious attitude of one of the managers , but after seeing that staff voice is heard , managers are doing more listening than telling.
It shows , how a different approach to communication between a regular workers and the managers can improve the team's attitude in the company.

   Iceland Frozen Foods , is a retailing company , specialised in fronzen food. The Times presents the article about the Iceland's staff , in which they measure levels of different factors of the staff's opinions. All of the factors from the article show that majority of the employees trust their senior management and feel motivated.
To involve it's employees into decision-making process , Iceland's directors and senior managers visit stores regularly and interact with employees. Representatives of the retail staff meet with regional and area managers to discuss ideas or issues at regular Talking Shop meetings. What is more , Iceland's chief executive , Malcolm Walker hosts an annual nationwide version , where employees can ask questions or make recommendations to him directly. Thus , Iceland can gain inspiration from it's employees , and its staff knows that the senior management of the company knows about the importance of their opinion and wants to use it on a positive basis for the development of the company.

   Many organisations are now using social networking sites as a means of involving both already employed staff and potentional recruits. Most of the social networking sites require registration before being able to research on them. The most popular social networking sites , use by the organisations to involve their employees and potentional recrutis are the ones from online recruitment. When researching at the most popular websites such as Facebook or MySpace , which are not a par of online recruitment , the things that I was able to see , were the following:
  •  on Facebook: the branch of researched organisations nearest me and the amount of users that like that organisation.
  • on MySpace: a small amount of pictures connected to the researched organisation and users being friends with the page of the researched organisation. Hardly any information available.
   However , when researching on less famous social networking websites being a part of online recruitment networking  , I found more information. Researching a job opportunities for accountant in London at fish4jobs network , I found two different job position for the same company , but in different branches. Already employed people , are able to see other opportunities and apply for them. Information about required qualifications is provided most of the time. What is more , potential recruits can gain important information when looking at the job description.
   Another social networking website that I have researched , was Absolvent.pl. Being registered user of that website , made the research much easier , as I knew that famous international companies were using it , as I have been send e-mails with adverts of job offers from that kind of companies. Like on fish4jobs , there are many different job posistions available in the same companies in variety of locations. And similarly to fish4jobs both employed staff and potential recrutis are able to gain information about a variety of new job opportunities. It might be very helpful for already employed people if they want to move to a different place as they are able to see a locations of branches with availability of job positions.

   In conclusion , both employee involvement and employee participation was developed to made employees feel like active participants in their organisations. However , there is a difference between the approaches of employee involvement and employee participation and the difference exists also between the methodology of practice in each factor. Organisations use a range of means to involve their staff in the decision-making process. They can develop their managers from regular workers , organise meetings to get to know the points of their employees , let their employees elect a representatives or develop more ways to involve their staff in the decision-making process. Many organisations use social networking sites to involve their already employed staff or potentional recruits. However , the most known social networking sites contain unimportant informations , whereas websites from online recruitment enable already employed people to explore numbers of new opportunities in the organisations they work for , and give important informations about the organisations and job positions to potentional recruits.

  •  Absolvent. (2011) Praca dla Studentów i Absolwentów , Praktyki i Staże. [Online] Available at: http://www.absolvent.pl/ [Accessed: 5th April 2011]
  • fish4jobs. (2011) UK jobs and London jobs. [Online] Available at: http://www.fish4.co.uk/ [Accessed: 6th April 2011]
  • Foot , M. , Hook , C. (2008) Introducing Human Resource Management. Fifth Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited , pp.70-71. 
  • Iceland Frozen Foods. (2010) Best 100 Companies. [Online] March 2010. Available at: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/best_100_companies/article7029115.ece [Accessed: 6th April 2011]
  • Nando's. (2010) Best 100 Companies. [Online] March 2010. Available at: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/best_100_companies/article7029090.ece [Accessed: 6th April 2011]
  • Softcat. (2010) Best 100 Companies. [Online] February 2010. Available at: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/best_100_companies/article7027857.ece [Accessed: 6th April 2011]

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